1. Go here: http://www.no-ip.com/ newUser.php to create your own account
2. Once you have created your account, log in.
3. Now go to "Add a host"
4. In hostname box insert whatever u want (I've choose razerzje.zapto.org) (you have to remember this!!)
5. Click Create host to confirm
6. Once you've created the host, download the free software no-ip duc
7. Install the software and login with your email and password.
8. Click on your host to update it.
9. Leave the software OPENED
Ok, now you have to port-forwarding
1. Choose a port for your cybergate server put whatever you want.. E.g: 3840
2. Go on START - Run , write cmd and then ipconfig
3. Now copy the IP address near Gateway
4. Put in on your browser.
5. In my router, I just have to go on virtual server and insert the port..
6. If you can't find the function to unlock the port go on http://portforward.com/and search for your router
1. Go on start - control panel - windows firewall
2. Go on "Exceptions"
3. Click add port: In name put cybergate1, in port put the port that you have choose.. (I've choose 999) and click TCP
4. Repeat 3 step but put cybergate2 as name, UDP and save all.
Oooook dude, now you have to set up your own Cybergate Server!!
Now, extract and open Cybergate.exe
Read the rules and click I Agree
Now follow these steps:
1. Click Control Center and select START
2. Now will appear a windows called "Select listening ports"
3. Put the port that you have choose and click the arrow
4. Set the connections limit to 10.000
5. On password put whatever you want (Remember it) [b]
6. Click save
7. Click on Control Center - Builder - Create server
8. Choose new and put in ur profile name
9. Select it and click Forward
10. Now select and click DELETE
11. Click add
12. Insert that you have choosed.. Ex: and save
13. Re-click add, insert your hostname that you have choosed on no-ip and the port.. Ex: no-ip.biz:999 and save
14. [b] Now on the right, leave identification as "remote" but on password put the same password that you have putted on "Select listening ports"
15. Now go on "Installation"
16. Check the following: System
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\.. ...\Run
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\... ..\Run
Hide file
Change creation date
17. On active setup click 4-5 times Random button
18. Remove the check on "Melt file"
19. On Mutex click random 4-5 times.-
20. On directory put the directory where the server will be installed
21. On filename put the file name of the server.. (I putted svchost.exe)
22. Go on create server, and click Create Server and save it!
Now you have your server!!
P.S: No-ip must be opened in order to execute cybergate.. or the server will not work..
2. Once you have created your account, log in.
3. Now go to "Add a host"
4. In hostname box insert whatever u want (I've choose razerzje.zapto.org) (you have to remember this!!)
5. Click Create host to confirm
6. Once you've created the host, download the free software no-ip duc
7. Install the software and login with your email and password.
8. Click on your host to update it.
9. Leave the software OPENED
Ok, now you have to port-forwarding
1. Choose a port for your cybergate server put whatever you want.. E.g: 3840
2. Go on START - Run , write cmd and then ipconfig
3. Now copy the IP address near Gateway
4. Put in on your browser.
5. In my router, I just have to go on virtual server and insert the port..
6. If you can't find the function to unlock the port go on http://portforward.com/and search for your router
1. Go on start - control panel - windows firewall
2. Go on "Exceptions"
3. Click add port: In name put cybergate1, in port put the port that you have choose.. (I've choose 999) and click TCP
4. Repeat 3 step but put cybergate2 as name, UDP and save all.
Oooook dude, now you have to set up your own Cybergate Server!!
Now, extract and open Cybergate.exe
Read the rules and click I Agree
Now follow these steps:
1. Click Control Center and select START
2. Now will appear a windows called "Select listening ports"
3. Put the port that you have choose and click the arrow
4. Set the connections limit to 10.000
5. On password put whatever you want (Remember it) [b]
6. Click save
7. Click on Control Center - Builder - Create server
8. Choose new and put in ur profile name
9. Select it and click Forward
10. Now select and click DELETE
11. Click add
12. Insert that you have choosed.. Ex: and save
13. Re-click add, insert your hostname that you have choosed on no-ip and the port.. Ex: no-ip.biz:999 and save
14. [b] Now on the right, leave identification as "remote" but on password put the same password that you have putted on "Select listening ports"
15. Now go on "Installation"
16. Check the following: System
Hide file
Change creation date
17. On active setup click 4-5 times Random button
18. Remove the check on "Melt file"
19. On Mutex click random 4-5 times.-
20. On directory put the directory where the server will be installed
21. On filename put the file name of the server.. (I putted svchost.exe)
22. Go on create server, and click Create Server and save it!
Now you have your server!!
P.S: No-ip must be opened in order to execute cybergate.. or the server will not work..
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